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jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Actividad Ingles 1er Año : Febrero 2013

Ejercicios tarea para 1er año:
      Con los elementos a continuación realiza oraciones. Recuerda usar la (s) cuando incluyas una tercera persona.

Ej: She / work→  She works in a car industry.
He / listen→
Mary and Carmen / study→
The students / do→
Mishelle / dance→
I / speak→

2     En los siguientes espacios en blanco, incluye los siguientes auxiliaries : DO – DON’T- DOES – DOESN’T:

→She ------------------- visit her friends in Ecuador.
→-------------------- they go to Caracas every Monday?
→Yes, I ------------. I like to eat candies.
→No, he --------------------. He lives in an apartment.
→-------------------- Carmen eat cheese pizza?
→You -------------- play the guitar.
→Yes,  Marie ---------------. She speaks Spanish.
→------------- you have brothers?
→ Arango ----------------- play tennis. He plays soccer.
→I ------------- live in  Mexico. I live in Italy.

    Escribe lo contrario de las siguientes oraciones:
She lives in Paris  → She doesn’t live in Paris.
The school doesn’t have tables →
Pedro speaks Chinese and Japanese→
I like listening to Rock music→
She doesn’t swim in the river→
He doesn’t have 4 brothers and 3 sisters→
They don’t eat vegetables →
Juan use the computer→
Miguel buys only black shoes →

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